
Scholarship Database

Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations.

Study Visits for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany • DAAD

Who can apply?

Applications are open to university teachers from public and state-recognised foreign universities.
Please note this programme belongs to project funding and is no individual scholarship.

More detailed information

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Jumpstart your Career with our English taught Study Programs!

Our university is a lively hub of practice-oriented learning with cutting-edge research and a vibrant student community – it is just the right place to study!


Food Quality and Safety (M.Sc.)

Your master’s degree for a better world! Be a part of our international master’s programme at the Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health and apply now!


MBA International Business Consulting at Offenburg University (Black F...

MBA IBC (Black Forest Business School) – Prepared for Leadership Upgrade your career with an English-taught MBA degree of Offenburg University! Your gateway to a qualified job in Germany and around...


Find Your Bachelor’s Program at TUM Campus Heilbronn

Students at TUM Campus Heilbronn receive a high-quality education at the renowned TUM University of Excellence and extensive support services for their studies.


Global Food, Nutrition and Health (M.Sc.)

Your master’s degree for a better world! Be a part of our international master’s programme at the Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health and apply now!


Be part of the transition to the future shape of energy

Join our English-taught Bachelor of Science in Energy Systems Engineering and Management!


Kick-start your future career in Financial Management at Coburg Univer...

If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management could be just right for you! The program features an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomb...



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    JI. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62, Summitmas Building 2, 14th Floor 12190 Jakarta Telephone: +62 (21) 5200 870
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