
DIES course - Training on Internal Quality Assurance (TrainIQA)

We are pleased to inform you that the call for applications for the next DIES course “Training on Internal Quality Assurance – TrainIQA” for South East Asian countries is open.


The University of Potsdam, in collaboration with the regional partners, is implementing this training course on behalf of DAAD and HRK. In order to receive as many qualified applications as possible, we kindly ask you to disseminate this information and the call as widely as possible among your networks and colleagues.

Current or appointed quality managers or senior managers responsible for Quality Assurance with proven knowledge and experience in higher education institutions are eligible to apply for this modular, practice-oriented training. Eligible countries are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. Please find all relevant info in the attached call or on the webpage . The mentioned annexes can also be found through that link.

Applicants are invited to apply online by September 5, 2022. Incomplete applications will not be considered eligible.

If you have any questions, please contact the organizers at the University of Potsdam via

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