
Informasi Beasiswa Short Research Stays - RoHan 2020

Call for applications 2020
for short research stays (up to 3 months)
(Asia to Hanoi, 1st January 2020 to 31st Dec. 2020)

What is RoHan?
The project RoHan is part of a new DAAD scheme, generously
funded by the Federal Ministry for economic co-operation and development (BMZ), on the implementation of “SDG Graduate Schools”. The University of Rostock and the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis as well as the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) and the VNU University of Science are co-operating to implement the ROHAN Graduate School from 2016 till 2020. The aim of the project is to foster the development and establishment of catalysis technologies and processes through the training of qualified Vietnamese scientists able to assume leadership positions in both Industry and academia. Focusing on rightful high-quality education and promoting life-long learning opportunities for all, as well as promoting gender equality and empowering women could have a strong impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030.

What are the aims of RoHan?
Based on the SDGs – UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Development and well-being in economic, social, and technological terms (improvement of the living conditions, training of qualified persons)
  • Environmental protection, e.g. through sustainability in consumption and production and sustainable resource management in tackling climate change, access to sustainable energy
  • Establishment of a global partnership for sustainable development

Which are the research topics?

  • Catalyst for waste and waste water treatment
  • Catalysis for chemical and energy conversion
  • Catalysts for air pollution prevention
  • Catalysts for environmental management
  • Catalysts for sustainable material flow management

Who can apply for a scholarship?

All MSc/PhD students, and postdocs from DAC-countries (including Vietnam, see web page for a list); preferred neighbour countries of Vietnam but not limited to India, China (PRC), Indonesia, Cambodia, North Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippine, Thailand, Timor Leste can apply for scholarships to undertake short scientific research stays on the Master, Doctoral (PhD) and Postdoc level at the HUST or VNU-HUS.

What does the scholarship cover?

The scholarship for Asian awardees covers the travel expenses and monthly grant of 500 € for Master and 600€ for PhD/Postdoc (incl. Health insurance). Further expenses are expected to be cover by the scholarship holder.

How to apply?

The application should include: Letter of Motivation (1 page), full Curriculum vitae with transcript of records and marks, a supervision agreement from research group leader in both the HUST/VNU-HUS and the host institutions and a project proposal (see template on the website).

A certificate of language proficiency is highly recommended (proficiency in English is mandatory).

Note: Special equipment for catalyst characterization and/or in situ spectroscopy is available for research under the umbrella of the RoHan Project, e.g.: TPX equipment; EPR spectrometer; UVVIS and Raman spectrometer, different photocatalytic reactors. More information see : .

Send your application to before the 15th of October 2019.

Download official announcement here

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